Tag Archives: Encryption

Use Oracle Warp Utility to Hide the Source Code of Packages, Procedures, Functions and Views

PL/SQL Wrap Utility for Encryption

The wrap utility (wrap.exe) provides a way for PL/SQL developers to protect their intellectual property by making their PL/SQL code unreadable.  It helps to protect the source code from business competitors and others who might misuse it. For Oracle 10g or later versions, wrap.exe is shipped with Oracle client instillation and available at  the directory  of $ ORALCE_HOME\bin.

Wrapped source files can be moved, backed up, and processed (executed) by SQL*Plus and the Import and Export utilities, but they are not visible through the static data dictionary views *_SOURCE.

Steps of Wrapping Packages/Procedures/Functions

  • Develop the Packages/Procedures/Functions as usual.  Test and save the source code in a file (for package, save the spec and  body in  separate files).

  • Run the warp utility to wrap the source code:

$ORACLE_HOME\bin\warp iname=sourceFile   [oname=warppedFile]
  • Distribute/delivery the wrapped file.

The wrapped file is is a text file, which you can run just as any script in SQL*Plus to set up your PL/SQL subprograms and packages. For example, run a wrapped file as follows:

SQL> @warppedFile

The following CREATE OR REPALCE statements are wrapped:


However, the CREATE[ORREPLACE]TRIGGER statement, and [DECLARE] BEGIN-END anonymous blocks, are not wrapped.

Guidelines for Wrapping

  • Wrap only the body of a package or object type, not the specification.
  • Wrap code only after you have finished editing it. Either wrap your code after it is ready to ship to users or include the wrapping operation as part of your build environment.
  • To change wrapped PL/SQL code, edit the original source file and then wrap it again.
  • Before distributing a wrapped file, view it in a text editor to be sure that all important parts are wrapped.
  • Notes: Wrapped PL/SQL units are upward-compatible between Oracle Database releases, but are not downward-compatible. For example, you can load files processed by the V11.1.5 wrap utility into a V11.1.6 Oracle Database, but you may not load files processed by the V11.1.6 wrap utility into a V11.1.5 Oracle Database.

Wrapping Oracle Views

As we see above, if we want to hide the source or logic of Oracle (for example, to prevent others to change the view logic. we can’t use the wrap utility on the view directly. As work-round  solution, we can create  an Oracle pipelined function to implement the view logic. Then use the wrap utility to encrypt the  pipelined function. Finally create the view by selecting ALL from the pipelined function.

In case we need to encrypt multiple views, we can create a package containing multiple pipelined functions to implement the corresponding views’ logic. Then we just need to warp one package. Below is the pseudo-code:

For the Package spec file:

create or replace  package  views_wrap_pkg
   type  t_view1_cols  is record 
      (col1   varchar2(30 char),
       col2   integer );
   type t_view1_tab  is table of  t_view1_cols;
   function view1 return t_view1_tab  pipelined;
end views_wrap_pkg;

For the Package body file:

create or replace package body views_wrap_pkg

function view1 return t_view1_tab  pipelined as
cursor view1_cursor is
select  field1 as col1, field2 as col2 from tables ....
for view1_row  in view1_cursor loop
pipe row (view1_row );
end loop;
end  view1;
end views_wrap_pkg;

Warp the package body file (not warp the package spec file) and execute it.

Finally, Create the views from the encrypted package:

create or replace view test_view as select * from table(views_wrap_pkg.view1);

In this way, all the view logic is encrypted.